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July 2003

Gearshift Surround

Lotus Esprit World has taken delivery of it's Alloy Gearshift Surround from Alan Paterson. As usual everything is extremely professional, from the packaging to the instructions. You don't get that sort of detail with most parts you buy. I will be fitting the surround as soon as I have time and will report back.


Parts Site for Older Esprits

Have a look at this site if you're running an older Esprit www.lotuseliteparts.bravepages.com It's mainly for Elite's, Excel's and Elcats, but as they share parts with the Esprit, you may find it of some use.

LEW back from Vacation

Now I'm back from my summer vacation (been to the US, so it's not holiday anymore, it's vacation), I can get back working on the site. Plenty in the pipeline (as ever!), including the ongoing brake upgrade, suspension, short-shift amoung others. Also finishing the calendar and attending a few gatherings. Hoping to make the London – Brighton run on the 2nd August. But mostly looking forward to getting back behind the wheel. Three weeks is too long with driving an Esprit!

p.s. America's rubbish, didn't see one Esprit the whole time (although did catch Basic Instinct on TV in the US and Pretty Women on the plane on the way home)!

4-Cylinder Air Filters

As some of you may know, there's been a problem with supply of K&N performance air filters for the four cylinder Esprits. This supply problem has been rectified with a new supplier called Green Cotton. See the Guide for more information and where you can get your performance air filter.


Esprit Owners Experiences

Thought I would let you know that I used MYTYRES.CO.UK as mentioned on Lotus Esprit World and they were great. There is a local branch here in the Netherlands, they had an excellent search engine that was easy to use and I found the tyres straight away. There was only one option of tyre offered for the sizes that I wanted, but as I could not find any 245/50 x 16's anywhere else, I opted to give them a try. The rears were Kumho 712's - size 245/50 x ZR16 priced at 106.10 Euro per tyre (£74) and Bridgestone S01's on the front size 215/50 x ZR15 149.40 Euro per tyre (£104).

Compared to other brands the tyres were very cheap and included tax and delivery which was within 3 days. Overall an excellent service, I will certainly use them again.

Graham B. Elliott

4-Cylinder Air Filters

Will be testing a Green Cotton Air Filter on my return. This is a K&N clone and will do a similar job. If these are any good, 4-cylinder owners will have a replace air filter available for their Esprits. Watch the site for a report on this!

Lack of Updates!

You may have noticed a lack of updates on the site over the last week. I have been working hard on the advertising on the site, as you may have noticed and also on the LEW Calendar. I will be on holiday for the next couple of weeks and due to limited access to the web. I'm not expecting to be able to update the site until later in the month. I will however be working on the site while I'm away, so they'll be some new stuff and some improved stuff published when I return.

Calendar Update

Lotus have turn down my request for a license you use some official pictures on the calendar. This means I will have to remove the GT3, V8 02, Sport 300, V8 and SE high-wing. So I'm now offering you the chance to get your Esprit on the Calendar. I'll need a hi-res picture of your Esprit. You can email me low-res examples and then post the hi-res version if you make the final 13. Currently there are only two blanks, but if 13 better pictures come in, then those will be used. Remember this is going to be a quality calendar and only professional looking shots of the Esprit will make the calendar.

"My Esprit has been advertised for quite a while elsewhere without selling,
and after one week on Lotus Esprit World, it's gone.
What can I say, Autotrader eat your heart out - best fifteen quid I've spent for a while."

Mike Veal (ex Esprit owner)


Click on the screen shot above to take you to another small German site run by Steffan Reidl. Steffan's done some interesting mods to his Esprit SE that are worth a look..


Click on the Esprit above to take you to a small German site run by Niko. He emailed me a couple of days ago asking for me to look at his site and maybe do a link exchange. Site's in German, but it's got a few Esprit and Lambo video clips that might be worth a look.

Movie Time

Due to the increase bandwidth Lotus Esprit World is currently enjoying, I've started to play around with some movies. Click the picture above to find out the details of the free software you'll need to view the movies. There is also a couple of short movies to test the software. One is of a Sport 350 on the track, which many of you will have seen before. The other is a short movie I've made myself with the use of a digital camera, my brother, my Esprit, a roundabout and iMovies. It's short and sweet, but you'll get the idea. Those on dial up connections shouldn't have too much trouble as they are short clips. This is just a glimpse of things to come.

Calendar Update

Good news on the Lotus Esprit World Official Calendar 2004 (to give it it's proper title). Design has been finalised, printer has been found, a sponsor has agreed to come on board. All I'm waiting on now is Lotus to allow me to use the pictures they have licenced. There are currently five official Lotus pictures in the calendar and I need approval to be able to print them and sell them. I should hear by the end of the week if they will allow me to use them and how much they want to charge me for a licence. If they want too larger amount of money, then I'll either drop some or all of them and replace them. I already have some in back-up and have a few users willing to help with new pictures. The printing will begin in August and the calendar will be available to purchase in September. There will be a limited run of calendars this year, so it's first come, first served. I'm also looking into the possibility of customers being able to pay by credit card. Which will speed things up and make it easier for everyone to purchase them.

4 Cylinder Air Filters

Due to the problems with the K&N air filters, I will be testing an alternative over the next week. These are the same sort of quality as the K&N's, but will hopefully fit better than the current ones available. I will be doing an install guide and review and giving details of where you can order one (if they are any good). I know a few of you have been after an air filter, so hopefully this will solve the problems currently being experienced by owners of the 4 cylinder Esprits.

Alloy Gearshift Surround

Remember the cut of date to order your alloy gearshift surround is the 9th July. Don't miss out on one of these, as they may not be another batch made. Lotus Esprit World's Esprit will be getting one. So look out for an install guide. Including a short movie!

June 2003

Carbon Fibre Sunroofs

I'm currently looking into the possibility of getting some carbon fibre sunroofs made for the Esprit. These will fit all the Steven's shaped Esprits (1987-2003) and will be the same shape and size as the glass roofs. The fixings will be used off your original roof, although it is possible to supply new ones at an increased cost. Pricing for this piece of kit will be between £200-£300. Cost will depend on how many people want one. The roof will come unpainted, so you can leave in carbon fibre or have it painted body colour. The choice will be yours. This will be a quality piece of carbon fibre and will fit as your original roof. This will reduce weight (how much is unknown as yet! Be less likely to be damaged when removing, stop the inside of your Esprit turning into a sauna and of course it's carbon fibre!

If you are interested in one of these roofs, please email kato@lotusespritworld.com. Tell me where in the world you are, how much max you wish to pay and what model of Esprit you have. This will give me a general idea of interest and whether it's worth putting into production. If this is successful, there will be more carbon fibre Esprit parts on their way.

I look forward to your interest.

Piston Fest 2003

Went to pistonfest yesterday. Met up with Dermot, Rob Ellis, Dom, Rich (manchester), 'Unity' Steve with his newly painted Esprit, Andy W (red S4), James Wiseman, Peter G and Ian Rawlings. Also talk to Owen at Race-speed. Not a bad turnout for the Esprit's. A few nice motors there, but most were TVR's. The trade stuff wasn't brilliant, but had a look around. Also watch some drag racing, which was also going on. £25 was way too expensive for what it was, but enjoyable. A Lotus Esprit Tour will be on the site soon!

New L.E.W. numberplates

Purchased new numberplates yesterday, as my current front one had cracked from too many stonechips! Got these from Carnoisseur in Bedford (01234 304305). I supplied my logo on CD and had it put below the number. £40 for the pair, which are actually road illegal, because you can't put logo's on. Also had to reduce the lettering by 9mm to fit it in. Of course these plates will only be used for shows and not on the road ;-)

Indicators & Road Angel

Fitted Elise style side indicators to my Esprit this weekend, to get rid of those large Renault 5 ones, that look so awful. I purchased the new ones from Carnoisseur in Bedford. The Elise actually uses Vauxhall Corser side indicator units. I didn't get the direct replacements, as these require more time and effort to fit. I purchase ones that are the same, but universial fittings. They also come with new wires and bulbs. The install guide will be on the side soon.

I also purchased a Road Angel, to help with Accident Blackspot! Basically it tells you where all the camera's are, using GPS. This unit also give you a very accurate speed in mph or kmh. Which is very useful as I can't see above 20mph at present. The unit was fitted today and an install guide will follow. Tested the unit on 6 fixed camera and it gave plenty of warning for all of them.


The St. Louis Area Lotus Lovers (STALLS) and Lotus Ltd. (www.LotusCarClub.org) would like to cordially invite you to join us at Putnam Park Road Course (www.PutnamPark.com)in Mt. Meridian, Indiana, USA. for a day of inexpensive high performance driving and fun Monday, September 15th. We will have instructors on hand.

If you or any of your club members are interested please have them call STALLS president Mark Pfeffer at (314) 889-0572 or via e-mail Feffman@Yahoo.com for details and/or a registration form. All the details are taken care of. We even have hotel rooms blocked out nearby. You simply register for the track day, pass through tech inspection and drive. We hope you can join us!

We are limiting the STALLS track day to 45 participants/cars. We have approximately 15-20 spots remaining.

Mark Pfeffer Grand Poobah St. Louis Area Lotus Lovers
Treasurer Lotus Ltd.
(314) 889-0572(Work)
(314) 249-3770(Cell)

Change of rates

As the cost of the site has increased, I have increased the cost of advertising on the Used Car Centre, as this is currently the only source of income for the site. I also now offer a new ad which includes more pictures and a better chance of catching a buyer's eye. The cost of advertising your Esprit on Lotus Esprit World is still great value for money, as your ad will remain of the site until the car is sold. You won't find a better place to sell your Esprit or Esprit items.

Calendar Update

I'm currently waiting on costs for printing, but have found a printers that I think I can work with. This will enable me to meet the final price of the calendar. I'm currently looking at one for £20 + P&P and two for £30 + P&P. This is high for a calendar, but as this is a limited run (let's call it a Limited Edition), the price is going to be. If it sells well, next year I can get a better rate, as I'll have an idea of numbers, which will reduce the price further, as I've had to build in a price for unsold calendars. If it sells poorly, then there will not be one next year and your Calendar will truely be a Limited Edition.

Finally picture choice is nearing completion, as is the final redesign of the pages. Postage and Packaging prices have all been sorted. All calenders will have to be signed for and will come with insurance. So hopefully the first calendars will be available the end of August, beginning of September. You'll be able to pay by either PayPal, cheque, or bank transfer. Transfers will have to be done in conjunction with me via email, as I can't tell who's paid what into the account.

Lotus Esprit World's Hosting

Due to the continuing success of Lotus Esprit World, an upgrade has had to be made with regard to Hosting the site. The current bandwidth limit of 10gb per month was being continually broken, which resulted in fines. Webspace of 100mb was more than enough to host the site with only about 10% of that being used. This was a business package, which Lotus Esprit World has out grown. The new hosting package which is a Professional package, gives Lotus Esprit World 40gb of bandwidth per month and 200mb of webspace for an increase in monthly cost.

Due to this increase in size, I'm now looking into hosting more animated gifs (see kato's owners page and the ad on the sales page) and movie files. I have a small collection of movies that I will be looking to make available on the site. I have also recently purchased a Konica Revio C2 Digital camera and to carry around with me. This can produce small 10 sec movies, with I can edited and combine with iMovies. I also have access to a Canon Powershot A60 Digital Camera which can do longer movies with sound. Hopefully this will result in some of the install guides coming to life, as well as any gatherings, shows and general Esprit Stuff.

Movies on Lotus Esprit World will be either Mpeg or .mov files, which will be viewable in QuickTime. As L.E.W. is a mac based website, it is easier for me to use the software to view any movies. At present I haven't looked into which other players (real time & windows media player) will also work with the files that L.E.W. will use. QuickTime is available free as a movie player, which is all you will need. It is also available for both Mac & PC's. I'm currently writing a piece on downloading and installing QuickTime for use with Lotus Esprit World. I hope you will take the time to download this free software, so you can enjoy L.E.W. as it heads into the digital future.

Lotus Esprit World @ Piston Fest 2003

Lotus Esprit World will be at Piston Fest on Sunday 29th June 2003. You need to buy a ticket to get in, so click on the logo for a link to the website to find out more.

Lotus Esprit World's Official 2004 Calendar

The calendar project is still rolling on. I've now got a padded envelope that's big enough to fit the calendar in and will protect it during it's journey. Once this was done, it could now be weighed for costs on postage. I've now been given the costs to the UK, Euro, US and Asia. So the calendar will be available worldwide. The calendar will be insured and will need signing for.

I have recieved one quote for the printing of the calendar, which was too expensive, with each calender costing around £30 each + p&p. I'm now waiting on 3 more quotes, which I hope will be more realistic cost. I'm also talking to a company about sponsoring the calendar to yet reduce costs further. I'm still hoping to hit the £15-£20 each + p&p. Costs will be confirmed once I have a printer. Post & Package costs I have and will put on the site soon.

Fitting K&N's

Lotus Esprit World was lucky enough to get one of the last of the K&N's made for the 4-cylinder Esprits. Due to legal problems with the metal frame that makes the filter ridged, they are no longer available to buy. A few companies are working on getting around this problem, but none are yet available. You can buy a filter that fits the Esprit, but without the frame it is difficult to fit and seal. Alan Paterson has looked at the problem and found a way to fitting this readily available filter. I've added his installation to the bottom of the Airfilter Install page. He also give his opinion on the upgrade. I'll keep you updated on any further development in this matter.

Alloy Gearshift Surround

Lotus Esprit World has ordered a Gearshift Surround from Alan Paterson, after seeing the quality at Stoneleigh. Orders will be taken upto 9th July with manufacturing starting 10th July. No extra's are being made. So my advice is order one now, as Alan's not sure another batch will be made. You don't want to miss out on these. If ones going on Lotus Esprit World's car, then what more do you need to know!

Esprit Insurance

Lotus Esprit World currently only has a list of insurers for the UK. Could owners from the rest of the World send some details of good insurance from either countries. Only need a name, telephone number and website address and of course which country & region.

Same applies for any part suppliers and specialist!

See the UK stuff here! Let's expand it to the world! otherwise I might have to change the name to Lotus Esprit UK.com

Lotus Esprit World Track Day

Lotus Esprit World is offering a Lotus Track Day to it's members at a highly discounted rate. This will take place at Castle Combe on Monday 7th July. More details can be found here.

Esprits Wanted for Uxbridge Autoshow

We are a local Lotus enthusiasts club who take it upon ourselves each year to organise the Lotus stand at the Uxbridge Autoshow . We would like to extend an invite to all the other Lotus groups and fellow enthusiasts to come and join us with your car. The show takes place on July 20th 2003 at the Middlesex show ground off A40.

This major event organised by the Rotary Club (with all proceeds going to charity) attracts hundreds of cars and thousands of people. Last year we had 15 lotus on the stand with a wonderful variety of vehicles including three 340Rs which attracted a large crowd all day. We have reserved a larger area this year as we hope that other Lotus enthusiast clubs might take the opportunity to come and meet up there .

Any Lotus or variant is welcome on the stand the car does not need to be concours as we have everything from "needing restoration" to new Elises and Esprits straight out of the show room and everything in between. The show really is a spectacular event with classic displays of cars lorries motorbikes along side newer vehicles.

There is a large autojumble and various displays in the arena all day. There are usually even a few flower and craft displays for those non car enthusiasts to look at. We usually receive the tickets a few weeks before so we can post them to you ( a recommended £5 donation is asked for by the organisers which admits car and all passengers) we can collect money on the day.

So if you want to attend or you know of any clubs or individuals that might wish to join us please email me at cliveyboylotus@hotmail.com. The shows website is www.uxbridge-autoshow.com

Lotus Esprit World's Official 2004 Calendar

Demo version of Lotus Esprit World's Official 2004 Calendar were will received at Stoneleigh (with two going missing). Should have an idea of p&p prices this week and also a rough idea of cost per calendar. Should be on sale on the site August/September.

TEAM ESPRIT @ Stoneleigh

Lotus Esprit World attended the Club Lotus TEAM ESPRIT launch at Stoneleigh yesterday. A full tour will appear on the site in the next couple of days and I'll tell you about the positives and negatives of the day. Plenty of pictures as usual and lots of Esprits.

Stainless Steel Door Sills

There's still some sets of Alan's Door Sills left after Stoneleigh. Order here


Club Lotus' TEAM ESPRIT will be launching at Stoneleigh on Sunday 15th June 2003. Not sure what's going to be on offer, but there should be plenty of Esprit's about. Lotus Esprit World will be in the Esprit carpark. You won't miss my Esprit. The windscreen will have a large Lotus Esprit World poster across it. I'll be showing demo versions and the calendar and giving out checklists, receipt and business cards like I got too many printed! I'll be off taking pictures and generally seeing what's going on.

As I\ve said before, I not sure what will be on offer for Esprit Owners. I know quite a few of the Dealers/specialist have been invited and rumours of someone from the factory attending. Everything starts at 12pm, I'll be there early, as usually at these events the carpark is where most of the good stuff is going on. For those who can't attend, I'll be doing the usual Lotus Esprit World Tour. Let's hope TEAM ESPRIT will prove beneficial to us Esprit owners.

Esprit Track Days

Lotus Esprit World is currently looking into some Lotus Track Days for your Esprits. These will be held around the country at the major UK tracks. 8am — 5pm track time and with some Esprit Specialist trackside, they should be the safest track days for your Esprit. I'm currently negotiating a discount for Lotus Esprit World users and if all goes well a list of available trackdays will be posted on the site.

I will be attending some of these events and the Lotus Esprit World Esprit will be taking to the track. I will be doing a pre-track day guide on the site, with help on preparing your Esprit for a blast around the track. I'm hoping this will tempt a few more owners onto the track, as most of you have the sound of something expensive breaking in the back of your mind. With Esprit Specialist on hand (hopefully with some spanners and spare parts), it will be the best place to push your Esprit that little bit further.

News on any finalised deal with be posted here.

Brake Upgrades

Hopefully I will have some uprated calipers, discs and pads in the next couple of weeks. I will be installing these myself and doing the usual install guide and review. I will also be listing other options for all Esprit Owners. So if you want to upgrade your brakes, then all the info you need will be in one place. This will go from simply changing the pads to a full spec AP kit and even a Six-pot racing upgrade.

Sport 350 'Down Graded'

This Esprit was spotted by Rob Ellis at Silverstone a few weeks ago. At first glance it looks like, well depends what you see first. I clocked the 350 logo on the side. But as you look closer, the mag wheels have gone to be replaced with some Sport 300 alloys. Then you realise the carbon fibre wing has gone, replaced by a late V8 wing. These updates (if you can call them that) aren't what you usually see. This Sport 350 (and it is a 350, as Rob took a pic of the plate on the dash. It's number 008) has been down graded. Although I'm sure the tyres are upgrades if it's running stock 300 wheels. With 315 on the rear and 245 on the fronts (which is what I run on my rears!). There is also a plauqe next to the Sport 350 one saying 'Customised by Lotus Sports & Performance'


When you see it from the rear, it's also had the 2002 light upgrade and centre exhaust from the US Spec V8's. So one minute it's downgrading, the next it's upgrading. My heads spinning. I would be interested to talk to the owners of this Esprit (especially if he's got his wheels for sale). With all the modifications going on at present, it would be nice to hear another point of view. I suppose if you've got a Sport 350 then the only way is down with a little bit of up (unless you're Mike Sekinger!)

Lotus Esprit World gets it's Sills

Lotus Esprit World took delivery of it's Stainless Steel Door Sill last week. 20 minutes later and the shiny sill where on the Esprit, setting the new Sports Seat off nicely. I'll be ordering one of Alan's Gearshift Surrounds next and hopefully an original 350 gearknob.

Lotus Esprit World's Offical Calendar

I've had a full Calendar made up to test quality and paper. A few of the images weren't good enough and I've either replaced them or sourced better quality versions. I will be bring a rough version to Stoneleigh on Sunday if anyone wants to have a look. I'm now making final decisions on the 13 main pictures. I'm also tidying up the text and designing the front cover. I hope to have them for sale around September (possibly earlier).

Alloy Gearshift Surround

After the success of the Stainless Steel Door Sills, Alan has released his second project to the Esprit World. A Sport 350 style Alloy Gearshift Surround. See details of how it was designed, an installation guide and information on pricing and ordering.

It's all in a FUSE!

Been having a few problems with my Alarm over the past few weeks. 15 seconds after I set it, it goes off. Everytime. Played around with the setting. Turned off the interior sensors. Took the door covering off. Gave up. Also had a problem with one of my stalks. The indicators would work, but the horn and lights (flash and full beam) wouldn't work. Had the column cover off, poked around a bit. No Joy. Replacement is £51 + vat.

Talked to an alarm guy when phil was getting some speakers on Saturday. He said the doors are linked into the interior light (didn't understand the tech stuff). So decided to take the bulb out and see if it set the alarm off, as he said it would. This would confirm a door connection problem. Couldn't get into the interior light. Alarm is now really P*ssing me off. Checked the fuse, as I thought if I pull the fuse it would be the same as pulling the blub. I could then see if the alarm would go straight off. Pulled the 5a fuse for the interior light. BLOWN! Checked the handbook. Same fuse also does the horn, and flash/full beam!

Those two problems have been p*ssing me off for around 4-6 weeks now and all it took was a 5a fuse (which I stole out of the rear fog, which is now running a 20a fuse, remind me to change it over before winter). I'll be checking the fuses every time anything stops working from now on.


Don't forget that Club Lotus' TEAM ESPRIT will be launch at Stoneleigh on 15th June 2003. You don't need a ticket and you don't need to be a Club Lotus Member. So come along. I'll be there and Alan Paterson will be showing off his new gearshift surround.

Sport 300 Seat's in Lotus Esprit World's Esprit

Finally got my Sport 300 Seat in today. After ordering the shell from SJ Sportscars and then getting Lotus to retrim it. I managed to get it into the Esprit. Not an easy job, especially as the seat wasn't supplied with any nuts and bolts to fix the mounts to the seat, and the mounts not having the correct holes. I'm not sure if SJ Sportscars normally supply just the shell, but I expect better. Lotus on the other hand were brilliant. Mel Broome in the After Sales Department (01953 608153), couldn't be more helpful. I was sent samples for the colour and texture, he made up logos for the headrest and sent me samples of those and was in constant contact via email. Payment was all arranged via the Lotus Service Centre (Darren Sexton) and I was called to give my credit card details. Wonderful service.

After lots of in and out, some drilling and a lot of swearing. 4 hours later I had the seat in. Still a few problems, which I'm going to look into sorting. I'm very happy with the seat. Just not happy about how it was supplied and the work that goes into fitting it. But then I paid £125 for the shell. A finished version from SJ is £595. So maybe you pays for money, you takes your choice. I will be doing an install guide soon (back log of works building again). But Dave Walters is looking into alternative, which might be a little cheaper and without the hassle. Not being to negative, the seat is really cool, I just love it. And I'll have to do it all again in August when I get my shell for the passenger side.

Work for tomorrow includes, short-shift conversion, mounting the sills, replacing gear gatior and looking at removing the binnicle to investigate the replacement of the stock dials with digital ones. Might get time to clean it and check all the fluids. Also need to check the alarm, as it's been playing up lately.

Lotus Esprit World's Door Sills

Lotus Esprit World recieved their set of Stainless Steel Door Sills today (7th June 2003) and will be fitting them tomorrow. I won't be doing an install guide as their is already one on the site. I was very VERY impressed by the packaging. Very professional. Mine came in a large tube, filled with bubble wrap and sealed in plastic sheaf. Clear instructions, with a picture guide (same as on the site). If you're not sure about ordering either the steven's or Giugiaro sills. Then I hope this changes your mine. Quality product! Look forward to seeing Alan's gear surround and heater controls. A true craftsman.

Alloy Gear Surround & heater knobs

Alan 'Sills' Paterson is currently working on more product for the Esprit interior. Currently under development it the alloy gear surround. The prototype is being make at present and will be ready for testing and fitting in the next week or so. Alan will be hoping to take pre-orders in the next few weeks, so keep an eye on the site for details. Also currently under development are replacement knobs for the heater controls (see above). These will again be high quality and make in the same material as the gear surround. Alan's taking the design seriously, so expect another great product. Also for the early stevens model, he is working on a new panel with slightly more modern graphics (see above). Lotus Esprit World will have details of all Alan's products when they have finished development and ready for your Esprit.


Don't forget that Club Lotus' TEAM ESPRIT will be launch at Stoneleigh on 15th June 2003. I've got my free ticket from Club Lotus, so Lotus Esprit World will be reporting on this new [insert word here]. Stoneleigh is 10 minutes from Coventry on the B4113 Stoneleigh Road.

Kato's Projects

I've picked up my Sport 300 seat from Lotus. Now it's time to fit it. I've already taken the old seat out and am ready to put the new one in. Shouldn't be overly difficult, but probably will be. I'll do a guide, with prices and contacts for those who fancy one. I've also weight both seats. The Sport Seats are 7kg lighter than the SE ones. So that's a 14kg saving. This will bring my total weight saving to 47kg. You could also look at PUK and R&B Tuning for their Sports Seats for the Esprit. Dave Walters is currently looking into other makes of seats that closely match the Esprit Sport 300 Seat. News on that as it breaks!

I'm hoping to have a new brake kit for the front of my Esprit within the next few weeks. Once fitted, I will test them and report my findings. I've already change by rear brake pads (guide will follow) for some EBC Green Stuff pads. I'm looking into rear discs at the moment, as it seems only Lotus ones are available at around £105 each. I'm talking to a couple of companies about rear brake kits. There will also be news on brake upgrades for the older Esprits (1976-87) and their are already some nice AP kits available for those with the later Esprits equipped with Brembo brakes. See PUK and R&B Tuning for their kits. I will also be reporting on the different Discs and Pads available if you don't feel the need to upgrade your calipers.

A few other things in the pipeline at the moment. So keep an eye on this page for more.

Short Shifter

I will be attempting the short shifter conversion on my Esprit over the weekend (hopefully). This was first mention by Karl from EspritFactFile. Using his instructions and a diagram from Marcus (I think). I will be trying it out and reporting back my findings. As usual I will do a full picture install guide, so others can do it if they choose. The conversion is simple enough and is done by simply inverting how the heim joints are attached to the translator. Sounds difficult! Well I'll give it a go and tell you. Looks pretty simple and Karl managed it in 15 minutes. When it's done it should reduce the gearstick travel dramatically. Watch out for the guide!

Giugairo Stainless Steel Door Sills

Pete Gentilli & Simon & Elaine Turner took a trip in their Giugiaro Esprits to see Alan Paterson and get their Stainless Steel Sill protectors fitted. Alan has just produced the first batch for the Giugiaro Esprit. As you can see, they fit beautifully to the Turners Esprit. There are still some sets left, so if you want a set for your Esprit contact Alan and place your order. See the Modification Page for Details.


R&B Tuning have finished their English version in double-quick time. Check their website (click logo above) for Esprit Tuning products and in the Gallery, you'll find an Esprit Racecar completely tuned by R&B Tuning.

News from May 2003



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